
鶴の来る町ミュージアムコレクション 写実絵画の世界

Tsuru No Kuru Machi Art Museum Collection The World of Realistic Paintings





The term realistic paintings refers to artworks objectively depicting themes such as society and daily life, unlike religion, history, and mythology, which were traditional themes in Western art. The art movement called realism, which mainly flourished in the middle of the 19th century in France, had a significant influence on modern art movements such as impressionism and expressionism.

Most present-day realistic paintings of Japan, are probably images that can generally be mistaken for photos; however, it would not be an exaggeration to say that in their essence these works are artists’ attempts to extract the true nature of society or people through the deep observation of reality and their subjects.  

What makes this collection stand out is the great variation as its organization is predominantly centered around young artists rather than so-called masters, its composition incorporates both grand works such as museum pieces as well as minor works with dense brush strokes, and its motifs range from still life and portraits to landscapes.  

The present exhibition displays carefully selected works from the Tsuru No Kuru Machi Art Museum Collection located in Izumi City, Kagoshima Prefecture, which contains more than 400 pieces of realistic paintings. In an age when anyone can easily reproduce images of the world with smartphones or high-resolution digital cameras, we hope that you can appreciate the world of realistic paintings expressing the feelings and perceptions of artists through brush strokes meticulously painted one by one. 



■会期:2025年2月19日(水)~3月30日(日) 会期中無休




一般 1,000円(800円)/高・大学生 800円(600円)/小・中学生 500円(300円)

※( )内は前売料金。「障害者手帳」をご提示のご本人さまとご同伴者1名さまは、当日料金より各200円割引。








【美術館イベント】 会場:美術館「えき」KYOTO


■日時:2025年2月19日(水) ①10:30~ ②14:00~








■日時:2025年3月8日(土) 19:50~21:00(受付19:40~)


■参加料金:お一人さま 1,300円(税込)






■Museum「EKi」KYOTO (Kyoto Station Building 7th Floor)

■Exhibition dates: Wednesday,February 19th 2025 to Sunday, March 30th,2025(open every day)

■Opening Times: 10:00 am to 7:30 pm (latest entry 7:00 pm)

■Entry fee (tax incl.): General 1000 yen (800 yen), high school and university students 800 yen (600 yen) *Present your student ID, junior high school and elementary school students 500 yen (300 yen).

Please note that prices indicated in brackets apply to advance purchase tickets.

■Advance purchase ticket sales dates: Saturday, January 4th, 2025 to Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Advance tickets may be purchased at Museum「EKi」KYOTO (excluding days museum is closed), or through Ticket

PIA (P-Code:687-106 ), Lawson Ticket (L-Code:52332 ) and other major ticket sellers.



京都 日本画新展 2025

京都 日本画新展 2025

2月7日(金) ~ 2月16日(日)  入館締切:閉館30分前 最終日:午後5時閉館