2023/11/27 UP
Artist Statement
黒い雨や世界中で燃え続ける山火事、大雨、自然災害のイメージを現代の風景画として作品としています。 絵画は虚構であり現実へと続く物語でもあります。そして現実を再考し、世界のあり方をより深く理解していけるものであると考えています。
One of the reasons I became interested in environmental issues, especially water circulation, which is a significant factor for our environment as an artist, is my father's influence. My father was a wild bird researcher before becoming a severely disabled
person. Fortunately, I could spend meaningful time with him for twenty years since he had a very free positive spirit despite his unmovable body. There are two things I learned from him. How important water is for the environment, and everything is related
to each other.
After the big earthquake in 2011, my world's perspective has completely changed. This disaster made me think about the environmental contamination in Japan and the world. It happened because of the contradiction lying at the heart of our life: materialistic innovation and Environmental pollution. All our life stands on this contradiction. As an artist living in this world, I create the moment for the viewers to feel and think that we are all related and can find gods everywhere. Compassionate human thought towards trees, flowers, ocean, rivers, mountains, and sky will change something.
The rainbow-colored cloud melts, awakening
to the azure sky
(虹色の雲、溶けて蒼空に目覚める) 65 × 65 × 4cm
Spring on a piece of glass
72.7 × 116.7 × 3cm
495,000 円
Despair is subtly consorting with self-caress
65 × 53 × 4cm
198,000 円