フランス・パリを拠点に、プロダクトデザイン・空間デザイン・ドローイングや映像・写真など、ジャンルにとらわれない活動を続けるロナン・ブルレック氏のアート・エキシビジョン「The hand remembers.」を伊勢丹新宿店 本館2階 イセタン ザ・スペースにて開催いたします。
※詳細はイセタン ザ・スペース公式Instagramをご確認ください。
Ronan Bouroullec「The hand remembers.」
□伊勢丹新宿店 本館2階 イセタン ザ・スペース
The hand remembers.
The practice of drawing is entwined to the point of fusion with the life of Ronan Bouroullec. Not a day without drawing, from childhood, throughout his formative years, and then over time, as a counterpoint to design work. With nearly 40 drawings, notebooks and bas-reliefs selected by the artist, this exhibition offers an insight into this still largely unknown facet of his work, animmersion in the immense current of his day-to-day drawings.
©Claire Lavabre studio bouroullec
ロナン・ブルレックのドローイングの特徴は、デザイナーとしての創作活動に不可欠なツールであるスケッチとは全く違い、注文の制約、問題意識、基準、結果に一切とらわれずに生み出されるというところにあります。いかなるプロジェクト、仕事の枠にも組み込まない、という姿勢が貫かれています。プランも出発点となるアイディアもありません。ただフォルムが、連続性と関係性をたよりに、繰り返される動きによって、徐々に展開していきます。要するに、Le dessin est sans dessein.(意図なきデッサンなのです)。
Unlike a sketch, the tool indispensable to the designer’s creative process, Ronan Bouroullec’s drawings are defined by the rejection of concerns with a commission, a problem, criteria or results. By a refusal to engage with any definition of the work. There is no plan or initial idea; the form unfolds progressively through repeated gestures, by continuity, by contiguity. It is drawing without design.
Drawing 20,2022
©Claire Lavabre studio bouroullec -
Drawing 22,2023
©Claire Lavabre studio bouroullec
The abolition of intention is linked to the regularity of the exercise and to the absolute focus on gesture: the (left) hand resting lightly on the paper, the movement of the body around the page, the pulse of the line, the rhythm of breathing. Drawing time is linear, in synchrony with the time as it is experienced. It is the time for self awareness, for spiritual exercise.
©Claire Lavabre studio bouroullec
But it is also a time for pleasure. The pleasure of gliding, more or less fluidly, more or less quickly, depending on the resistance of the paper, the slowness of the biro, of the speed of the felt-tip, the liquid sensuality of brush pens.
The pleasure in drawing, according to Jean-Luc Nancy’s formulation, whereby drawing is the place where, more than with any other artform, is found“the expression of the pleasure of wanting to give form and presence to that which goes beyond all presence and all form”.
Martin Béthenod
Bas reliefs 05,2023
©Claire Lavabre studio bouroullec -
Courtesy Mutina,Gerhardt Kellermann
Ronan Bouroullec/ロナン・ブルレック
Ronan Bouroullec, born in 1971 in Quimper, is a French designer.
For over thirty-five years, he has been creating unique objects in collaboration with the most prestigious international design editors. Ronan Bouroullec's work is based on a fluid creative process in which industrial and artisanal know-how resonate with each other. Alongside his work as a designer, drawing is an important part of his daily life. His work is regularly exhibited in museums and galleries around the world. His creations and drawings have been included in major international public and private collections (MoMA in New York, the Victoria and Albert Museum), including a recent addition of around thirty works to the Centre Pompidou.